Hi there!

I am new to this programming class and this is my new webpage! Stay tuned for projects and much more!! Click here to go to my webpage! My new Glitch!

Project 1: Spelling Game my-game-is-cool

Project 2: Drawing Robot

Assembly Checkpoint

This is my assembly checkpoint.

Putting this assembly together was fun but tedious! I found that using the nuts and the pan screws together through holes was very challenging. Knowing that the holes from the 3D were not completely perfect added a struggle to me assembly the drawing robot. However, I would love to assemble something like this again! Go Programming!

Power Circuit Checkpoint

This is my power circuit checkpoint.

Setting up the power was the easiest step yet since building the drawbot! At this time of the project I learned the functions of negative and positive wells, as well as what each abbreviated symbol on the metro mini meant. Not only being aware of how each part worked and how it played a role to the movement of the drawing bot, I also found out how a drawing bot functions its code through this.

Driving Motors Checkpoint
This is my motor checkpoint.

This step was so far the hardest part of building the drawbot. Needing to use so many wires to connect them to a source took a long time. I had the struggle of overlapping and placing the wires into the right well and sign because there was too many. This required me to take time and be patient because it took a lot of time. Here I learned that robotic engineering is not always as easy as we think and that it takes time. NOTE: The motors on the left does not work. It does not seem to be the Darlington board, not the wire connection or the stepper wires. We do not know what it is but we are figuring it out.

My Robot Drawing